This map of northern Germany shows Hamburg and further north, Flensburg, on the Danish border. Near to Flensburg is Glücksburg, where Doktor Greiner-Schang flew Katie and Max for a party on board his yacht, Annika, named after his daughter.

This picture shows an aerial view of Hamburg showing the unique roof scape of the city. Due to strict planning laws any new building cannot be built higher than the town hall.

In The Rosario, Katie and Max's Hummer taxi entered Alstadt, the old and present financial district of Hamburg, then Willy-Brandt-Straße into the narrow Neue Burg. They passed the floodlit remains of St. Nicolai Kirche, then crossed a small bridge spanning across a waterway onto Trostbrücke. Entering Börsebrücke, they arrived at their first hotel - the Jungmarkt.

This aerial picture shows the view Max and Katie had, approaching the small town and marina of Glücksburg, in Doktor Greiner-Schang's de Havilland Beaver seaplane. See the lovely model below.

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